
Most of the times you need to examine yourself first in order for you to to attract success, wealth and friends into your life. (P/S: I am giving away this “Unlock Your Mind Power” ebook FREE. If you want this copy, simply click on the image or link to complete your name and email address as requested and I will email you the download link.) Part of the GetSelfHelp technique is for you to search your subconscious mind by thinking positively and it can be easily achieve doing positive self-talk.


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Unlock Your Mind Power with this FREE GetSelfHelp ebook 

Your mind started absorbing negative things from your surroundings at a young age subconsciously. Very often you were told many times you cannot do this or that by the adults. So unconsciously you grew up with lots of negative thinking and doing negative self talk.The more you heard this, the more your subconscious mind absorb the negative vibrations and filed it deep inside your brain waiting for activation by you. 

In contrast, if you are actively think positively, you tend to build up your self-confidence and mindset for success in life. Your path to success with any goal you set will be achievable with that positive attitude you had developed.


Reprogram your subconscious mind by doing positive self talk over and over again repeatedly. This is an effective method to remind yourself that you will create positive changes in your life. You can start by making small goals and stick to them till you achieve them. Taking these small steps will change your attitude from negative to positive gradually. Over time, you will reprogram your subconscious mind to overcome the negative thoughts to become a positive thinker. 

Attract success, money and friends into your life by thinking positively and doing positive self-talk.  Set your goals and write them down on paper. When something is in writing it will make them more positive and bring them to life quicker.Keep them near so you can read them everyday to reprogram your subconscious mind to overcome the negative thoughts. Continue to think positive each day so that you can unlock your mind power to attract success, money and friends.

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Unlock Your Mind Power with this FREE GetSelfHelp ebook 

Usually you will find success and money first. Then friends will follow. Improve your life and I will see you at the top.

List of Positive Affirmations

An affirmation (or declaration) is a statement repeated over and over again at least twice daily preferably verbally fill with emotion and visualization whenever possible to increase the effectiveness of your declaration. Your list of positive affirmations if dictated correctly with emotions and visualization will enable you to tap into the unlimited powers of your subconscious mind. The whole objective is to strengthen your desires, not confuse your subconscious mind with negatives declarations.

Listed below are a short positive affirmations that have been proven to be highly effective and yet exceptionally simple.

Best Way To Program Your Subconscious Mind

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List of Positive Affirmations

  • “I deserve to be ________”
  • “I work because I choose to, not because I have to”
  • “I believe and expect to receive miracles”
  • “_____________ comes to me easily and effortlessly.”
  • “I create my own success”

Notice anything common in the above list of positive affirmations? See below:

1)  MUST be in PRESENT tense.
To be effective, all affirmations must be dictated in present tense. For example; “I now have a wonderful job.” Avoid using words that dictates the future tense, e.g. “…going to have…”.

2)  MUST be a POSITIVE statement.
All affirmations must be positively dictated.  Do not dictate negative statements.  It must always be your wants, and not what you don’t want.  For example: “I am now perfectly healthy.” instead of “I am not sick.”

Make your affirmation it short and to the point. Keeping them to the point adds power and clarity to your affirmations.

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The secrets of powerful affirmations are:
* Repetition
Repeating consistently your affirmations over time will drill them into your subconscious mind.

* Emotions & Visualizations
Add emotions and visualizations to your affirmations as you repeatedly dictate them. See yourself enjoying and living your achievements, example driving a new car, staying in new house, going on a holiday, etc.

* Persistence
Always remember that success is only 1 step away from temporary failure. Being persistence will bring you success. I recommend searching up this topic “Three Feet From Gold” from Napoleon Hill. Never give up!!!

* Belief
What you requires is the ability to believe and create those special feelings when the desire you’re affirming is achieved.

* Impression
The stronger the feeling you have for the affirmation, the deeper the impression it makes on your subconscious mind, and the sooner you will experience positive results.

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So there they are. Based on the above few points, you can easily think up your own list of positive affirmations to manifest any desire or need you want in life.

Subconscious Mind Training

Subconscious mind is a curious thing, and it’s an amazing thing.  It is your autopilot, causing you to behave according to your programming.  It is active during our periods of sleep. It witnesses our dreams.  It is the intelligence of the body, both the physical and the energy/emotional bodies.

It is also responsible for processing – and either hanging onto, or releasing – trauma.  It is also the seat of emotional complexes, instinct, habits, dreams, imagination, creativity and right brain activities.  It is the seat of your emotions, habits, core beliefs, and your permanent memory.  It is a like a big memory bank that stores your beliefs, memories and life experiences. 

Subconscious mind trainingDiscover for yourself this subconscious mind training powers 

Subconscious mind power can be a potent force for making your dreams a reality.  It is the mystery we still have not solved, affecting us nevertheless and is always awake whether one is asleep, under drug or alcohol effect or under coma. It is programmed, on a general basis, by habitual thoughts, by repetition, authority and emotion. 

It is instinctive desire, the result of past reasoning will instruct the conscious mind to live up to that belief and start to deliver results.  It can only accept a new belief if it doesn’t contradict with an already existing belief.  It can accept and utilize these new ideas in minutes instead of taking weeks, months and years. 

Discover for yourself this subconscious mind training powers 

It is a very powerful part of our brains that form beliefs.  It is the driving force behind our lives and manifests whatever we input.  It is responsible for the attraction of certain conditions in our lives.  It is most easily accessed the first and last hour of each day.  It has immense power and it is has infinite healing powers

Programming the subconscious mind is not a hard task.  To balance it out, your new program should be connected with a very positive, big and colorful image so you know the benefits you are aiming for.  Keep it simple   — One programming session should include only one exercise or CD at a time.

Discover for yourself this subconscious mind training powers

Negative thoughts and negative beliefs create a negative life.  Negative energies will block you from psychically picking up on other vibrations.

Positive thinking occurs only on the conscious level; this is why positive thinking is not enough to put into effect the law of attraction. Thoughts + Visualizations + emotions, equal a powerful recipe of the subconscious mind which will work for you.

subconscious mind training

The Secret of Your Alpha Mind Power

Alpha Mind Power presents The Secret of Absolute Abundance and Wealth from Sean Penning

The difference between the rich and the poor is not in how much money they have, but in the way they talk, the way they act and the way they think. The way you think is what you create in your inner world. The way you talk and act is what you express in your outer world.

More On How To Release The Secret of Your Alpha Mind Power

If you want to be fully wealthy, you must be fully congruent in your thoughts, speech and actions. Half congruence results in half wealth. Poor people communicate lack in every way while rich people communicate abundance in every way…

The elements in your environment affect your consciousness. Everything that you see around you will subconsciously impress upon you the idea of poverty or wealth. The more broken and dilapidated stuff you hold without replacing, the more you will feel lack.When you keep signs of abundance in your environment, your subconscious mind will be constantly impressed with the idea of supply and abundance. By causing yourself to feel abundance, you will perpetuate the conditions of abundance in your reality…

More On How To Release The Secret of Your Alpha Mind Power

The subconscious impression of abundance creates conditions of abundance. Seeing abundance in one area creates a mental shift and allows you to start seeing and feeling more abundance in your life. Whatever area in your life you have right now that makes you feel rich and powerful, create more of that. Use that area to affect other areas. The key is to get more references of abundance for you to be conscious of so as to impress upon your subconscious mind as much as possible the reality of abundance…

Your actions either create subconscious impressions of wealth or poverty. By choosing to buy the best and quality products for yourself, you are saying that you are worth it, that you are the best. Your subconscious mind will pick up these impressions from your actions and create conditions in your life that resonate with that state of mind.

More On How To Release The Secret of Your Alpha Mind Power

To manifest wealth, you must begin with living as though you are already wealthy. It doesn’t mean you overspend, but you simply spend in a way that makes you truly happy…

To your success….with alpha mind power

Last chance to change your destiny..simply sign-up to get your FREE e-book worth $29.90.

How To Use Alpha Mind Power

The secret of THE SECRET aka Alpha Mind Power is no secret at all. Why? Because it has always been around and inside you. Yes has always been around you. It’s call THE SECRET simply because you are yet to discover it. The secret is quite simply your BELIEF or FAITH. You need to learn how to see things that you yearn to own like money, fast cars, big house, etc. Why? Because your subconscious mind do not read or understand words, it only see the pictures that you visualize.
If you continue to visualize those pictures again and again everyday with the right feelings, your subconscious mind will start to make those pictures become a reality for you. It may take days or weeks or months or even years but it will come true. I have no idea how it works but it just work. This, my friend, is the wonder and power of the subconscious mind and Law Of Attraction
But if you start to have any doubt because of obstacles with the lack of will and persistence. Your subconscious will simply go back to its original state and start giving your crap like it always did and this is the last thing you ever want.
You want your subconscious mind to see the future that you visualize. A future that you want to have. Have the picture in your mind often in enough and your subconscious mind will make it happen. Of course you need to be persistence and work to make your dream come true. Otherwise it will simply be just day dreaming.

Click here if you really want to improve your life for the better and forever.

Good luck and may the force be with you.

Learn “alphamindpower : Alpha Mind Power” from Teachers of “The Secret”

I have to confess that my life has never been the same again ever since I embarked on the journey of this life changing course from the legendary teachers of The Secret. They are Michael Beckwith, Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, the original teachers of Alpha Mind Power. Since learning, practicing and applying their success formula, I have gone on to achieve multiple financial, mental, spiritual goals which I had never thought possible. I just love my life now, I had never felt so super charged before…! Such is the power of working my subconscious to create positive energy around myself.

If you have a definite desire to achieve success in life, then you must seriously consider jump starting your life using the formulas of this life changing secret.

These legendary teachers hold nothing back as they reveal the step-by-step Science of Getting Rich by putting their experiences together to produce this life changing course.

The phenomenal successful product make over $2 million in sales with an original price tag of $2,000 when it was first launched in 2007. This re-launch series which includes the original contents made over $28 million within 24 hrs of it’s launched even though it is going at a special price of only $2,000 $197 instead. Their whole objective is to allow ordinary folks like you and me to benefit from this centuries old secret.

What I Had Benefited for Only $197…

  1. 17 original and guided Science of Getting Rich Sessions with the 3 legendary teachers
  2. Full Transcripts from each session
  3. The Science of Getting Rich ebook from Wallace Wattles
  4. Personal Digital Workbook as a personal revision tool and success blueprint
  5. One Click Download Technology of every lessons in MP3 format
  6. Comprehensive Interactive Learning System online
  7. Membership to the Active Learning Community to interact, share experiences, gain inspiration with like-minded people so you can accelerate your journey to abundance.
  8. Bonus #1 (worth $27) from New York Times best selling author John Assaraf
  9. Bonus #2 (worth $27) from Brian Wong

Of course this review is based on the personal achievements of what I had gained and benefited ever since I started on my journey with this life changing course. My life achievements are by no means exaggerated.

Whether you would like to achieve success in your life is for you to decide. You choose the kind of life you want. Remember this “What You Focus On Expands“, “Like Attract Like”. You only want positive energy into your life.

Here’s the link if you want to find out if the Alpha Mind Power is what you want.